
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ebay Seller Mistake

Ebay Seller Mistake, If you are trying to make money on eBay, you need to start with avoiding mistakes. Follow these proven auction success tips to help make sure your profits don’t slip through the cracks.

Strategy #1 - Failure to have continuity in the sales process

This mistake is also very common among people who sell products online, both at auction sites and on their individual websites.

This cannot be stated too strongly, if you’re just selling on eBay, you’re really missing out on what’s out there. You’re truly missing the mark.

If you look at the majority of the successful products that are sold, you’ll notice that they have continuity in the sales process. What is continuity in the sales process?

Well, whenever you sell a product, make sure that you take the time to inform the customer of other products that you sell. Whenever a product is bought or sold, have an opportunity to acquire the email address of the customer to let them know that:

Strategy #2 - You also can use that email address as a marketing tool to give them free reports free updates; free information about how you can make them more successful in terms of whatever they’re doing.

Another thing - this alone is worth going over. Another thing you want to make sure is that in every product you sell that you have a backend catalog at the end, whatever it is that you’re selling. You want to make sure that you give the customer information about other products that you have.

This is a win-win situation. Why? Well for one, if the customer has bought from you and they know that you deliver value and they know you deliver value for a very good price; chances are they may come back to you. Generally, every 3rd or 4th customer you do business with will ask you for other products.

It is important to realize that you have to have some type of continuity in your sales process. When you have continuity in your sales process you’re leveraging your marketing dollars. You’re giving the customers and potential customers, through referrals, information about what other items you offer for sale.

That is a very important factor in success and anyone who is buying or selling products online should make sure that you have good continuity in your sales process.
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